Ambient Music is a genre that emphasizes tone and atmosphere over traditional structure or rhythm. It uses textural layers of sound which can reward both passive and active listening. the genre is said to evoke an atmospheric visual or unobtrusive quality which can encourage a sene of calm or contemplation.

The genre originated in the 1960s and 1970s, when new musical instruments were being introduced to a wider market, such as the synthesizer. It was presaged by Erik Satie’s furniture music and styles such as musique concrète, minimal music,  and German electronic music, but was prominently named and popularized by British musician Brian Eno in 1978 with his album Music for Airports; Eno opined that ambient music “must be as ignorable as it is interesting”.

Erik Satie  created an early form of ambient/background music that he labeled “furniture music” (Musique d’ameublement). This he described as being the sort of music that could be played during a dinner to create a background atmosphere for that activity, rather than serving as the focus of attention.

In his own words, Satie sought to create…“a music…which will be part of the noises of the environment, will take them into consideration. I think of it as melodious, softening the noises of the knives and forks at dinner, not dominating them, not imposing itself. It would fill up those heavy silences that sometime fall between friends dining together. It would spare them the trouble of paying attention to their own banal remarks and at the same time it would neutralize the street noises which so indiscreetly enter into the play of conversation. To make such music would be to respond to a need.”

Extracted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So if that describes what you are looking for then there are several shows at Aural Fixations which fall into this category.

For instance….

SONIC LANDSCAPES is electronic,

CREPUSCULAR MUSIC can be anything.

INVISIBLE SOUNDTRACKS are sometimes a bit perky but are all mostly ambient based sounds from different genres such as jazz, semi classical, soundtracks etc

LIGHTS OUT are jazz  good for late night listening.

NIGHT MUSIC is classically based and again good for late night listening.

Below some Spotify playlists that are meditative



A short video here where Brian Eno tells the story of how he came up with the modern genre