“The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music.”
― The Merchant of Venice
These shows are a way for me to put my music- collected over some many years, available for anyone to listen to at anytime. They are organized in roughly hour long “shows” which revolve around a particular genre or theme or concept. The shows of course reflect my own tastes which range from jazz to classical and anythg in between including comedy.
If you bookmark THIS the home page of the blog you will be able to keep up with new additions and be able to locate all the volumes of a particular show all in one place.
NOTE: These shows all link back to Mixcloud.If you are a free user you do not get to see the track listings. Premium users see them along with no ads. However, the song is listed as it plays.
Roughly speaking they divide into jazz, blues, rock, classical, world and some hard to define eclectic shows. There may be more shows coming in due course to add to this list.
CLICK HERE -explore the wide world of Swing Jazz mostly from the forties.
THE JAZZ AGE– Toe tappin’ early Jass from Harlem, Paris and London.
CLICK HERE for jazz from across the smorgasbord in time and style.
CLICK HERE for some Beat Generation jazz
GEORGIE FAME AND FRIENDS– Jazz, rhythm and blues from Georgie and his musical influences.
JAZZ FUNK JAZZ–On the funkier end of instrumental the jazz spectrum.
SMOOTH SUMMER JAZZ– Jazz for long hot summer days.
SUNDAY MORNING JAZZ-Eclectic Jazz that wanders .
DJANGOS LEGACY–The followers of Django today.
SIX STRING SUNDAYS– Acoustic guitar music from the masters.
THE CAFE PARIS– French style jazz.
LATIN JAZZ-Upbeat Latin dance jazz
DINNER JAZZ– Similar to Cocktail Capers (below) but instrumental so as not to confuse the scintilating conversations.
COCKTAIL CAPERS-Good for cocktail hour peppy jazz standards.
CHAMBER JAZZ-Jazz with eclectic instrumentation.
LIGHTS OUT –Late night listening for very mellow moods.
2. ROCK and FOLK
SIXTIES FM reconstructs FM radio as it was on the west coast in the late sixties-early seventies.
PIRATE RADIO– A taste of what the British Pirate Radio was like in the mid sixties.
JOHN PEEL”S PERFUMED GARDEN– Late night Pirate Radio 1967
THE VINYL VAULTS- rummaging around the shelves of the more obscure sixties.
JUST DROPPED IN– Familiar toe tappin good time songs.
BEFORE THE BEATLES-Yes there WAS rock n roll in Britain before the Beatles
OLD FOLKIES– U.S. Folk singers from the golden age of singer songwriters in the early sixties.
BRITISH FOLK MUSIC-Mostly from the sixties and seventies.
OTHERS SING LEONARD COHEN-His work by other singers.
SOUL SONGS– Songs from any era by singer songwriters
3. BLUES (See here for more info.)
Chess Records compilation first released in the UK in 1962. This record brought Chicago Blues to the attention of UK ears.
HOT BLUES- Loud and rowdy electric blues.
JUKE JOINT-Old School blues from down the road apiece
A HISTORY OF BRITISH BLUES– How an obscure genre came back to it’s own home via another country
RED HOUSE -Slow haunting electric blues guitar
COME ON IN MY KITCHEN. Female blues singers
STEAMROLLER BLUES– A choinin oin of burning funk
WALKING BLUES- Boy Is It Hot Today
THE DUSTY AND VOCO SHOW– R and B from the late sixties through the seventies as played by Voco and Dusty on KSAN San Francisco
GEORGIE FAME AND FRIENDS–The best jazz-R and B based band in England in the early sixties.
DANCING AT THE FLAMINGO– Jazz and R & B dance music from the London club of the early to mid sixties.
DANCING AT THE GO GO-Blues based dance music from the famous Club A Go Go of the early sixties in England.
NORTHERN SOUL– R&B dance music that they loved in the clubs of Northern England in the sixties seventies.
CASSETTE TAPE HITS-Eighties and nineties pop hits.
DANG THAT TWANG THANG- Let the Surf Music Begin
NEW YEARS EVE-Is definitely for a dance.
THISAREGGAEMUSIC-Some early stuff that was called blue Beat at the time.
WHIRLED MUSIC explores music from all over the world.
SUNDAY MORNING CLASSICS– (above) are classical pieces but not grand or symphonic. More intimate material.
INTERMEZZO are classical pieces from Latin America
BACK TO BACH The endless permutations of Bach.
SONIC SEASONINGS– (above) are eclectic seasonal atmospheric soundscapes
Above-SEASONAL CLASSICAL COLLECTIONS– Music for Spring through Winter.
QUIET CHRISTMAS peaceful classical pieces.
A BAROQUE CHRISTMAS Exuberant baroque pieces
WINTER SOLSTICE Eclectic quiet pieces
RENAISSANCE CHRISTMAS Period pieces for the season
NIGHT MUSIC-Classical music for the deep of the night.
CLASSICAL–Lie Down and think Of England. English pastoral pieces.
IS THAT CLASSICAL ? Pieces that do not fit firmly in the classical box
INVISIBLE SOUNDTRACKS-Music for a film never made. Mostly instrumental music in a semi classical or modern genre.
CREPUSCULAR AND SONIC LANDSCAPES- Ambient and electronica that evoke mental landscapes.
For more “ambient” music go here
ODDMIX and COMEDY–Definitely not background and definitely not fitting any neat category. Humorous.